Benefits of Legal Mediation in Dispute Resolution

Going through a divorce or business dispute can be stressful, tricky, and challenging. This is especially true when, for example, the divorce terms are contested. When a dispute arises between people, or organizations, such as business entities, litigating in court can be an expensive, lengthy, and sometimes avoidable process....

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Duties of a Supreme Court Certified Mediator

A supreme court certified mediator works as an advocate between two parties during mediation. They assist in having issues resolved while also preparing agreements involving settlements, which will be court reviewed as well as creating orders out of agreements. Plus, accurate data needs to be collected by the...

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Divorce & the Family Business

You and your spouse started a business years ago and things with the business are going well. But the relationship with your spouse isn’t. So, here you are with a shared business and looking at a divorce. What options do you have from this point moving forward? Option...

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Uncontested Divorce vs Contested Divorce

A contested divorce is exactly as the name implies. This is where the two parties cannot agree on terms of the divorce and therefore will need some sort of moderation or legal judgement to get it finalized. An uncontested divorce is where both parties agree to the divorce,...

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