What is the Average Disability Payment in Florida?

Category: Disability Law
- 16 Jul 2024
- Posted By WebSiteAdmin
The Social Security Administration spends a portion of their huge budget on paying out disability payments. The program, known as SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance), receives 11% of the entire budget of the SSA. The vast majority of money is disbursed to retired individuals. The total amount of money paid out in 2022 to disability recipients was $142B, or roughly 2% of the entire federal budget.
The money for the SSA budget comes mostly from payroll tax contributions. These payments are made from both the employer as well as the employee. Anyone who has ever studied their paycheck knows what I am talking about. In theory, the money you have paid into the system your entire life becomes available when you hit a certain age or if you become disabled.
Disability Payments in Florida
The great State of Florida is home to roughly 23 million people. Many of these people are retirees who moved to Florida because of the weather. Many of these retirees live on their Social Security payments. But many older folks who live in Florida are also disabled and not able to work even if they want to.
Let’s take a look at the average payment a person receives for these programs:
For SSDI (disability), the average recipient receives $1,391 per month. The amount they receive is based on a combination of factors including:
- How much the person has paid into the system.
- Estimated cost of living.
- Any adjustments made by the SSA based on past earnings and inflation.
SSI (Supplemental Security Income) is paid to retirees or those with a disability. The average payment in the State of Florida for this program was $629 per month. This is lower than some other states because this is simply the Federal maximum, as Florida doesn’t have its own SSI program.
Calculating and Pursuing Your Benefits
If you log into your account with the Social Security Administration you will get some idea of what you are entitled to. However, the amount reflected in your account is not 100% accurate and does not include any adjustments which could be made on your behalf.
The best way to apply for disability, asking for the amount which will benefit you most, and have the best chances of being approved is to hire a local disability attorney from the very start. The odds of being granted disability assistance or winning your appeal increases by about 60% when you utilize the services of an attorney who specializes in this area of law.
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