Florida Social Security Disability

The purpose of this blog is to share free information with our readers. In this post, we want to delve a little more into disability hearings in the state of Florida. There are roughly 11 million residents in Florida. About 460,000 of these residents receive some sort of...

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Splitting Child Custody Evenly

When parents come to mediation with a desire and understanding that they both want equal time with the child or children, it is because they both believe that the influence of a mother and father role are equally important. This mindset is healthy and the challenge then becomes...

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Family Attorney vs Divorce Attorney

Sometimes the terms family attorney and divorce attorney are used interchangeably. This is a misnomer. In this article we will describe the difference between a family attorney and a divorce attorney. An attorney that goes by the title divorce attorney may only specialize in the act of divorce...

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What Does a Family Attorney Do?

Many people have a vague idea of what a family attorney does. In this article I will list the more intricate details of what a family attorney actually does for their client. Providing Objective Advice – A good a family attorney should advise their client from a neutral...

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Having An Experienced Attorney is Essential

We all know that experience is very important. When it comes to the most important and pivotal moments of your life, you want to have expert advice. Expertise = experience. There are some things in life that you can afford to trust to an upstart or novice. Trying...

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Mental Disorders and Social Security Disability

It is widely known that mental disorders can be just as debilitating as physical disorders. After all, the brain is what runs the entire body. Often times people with mental disorders (and their families) are not clear if their condition will allow them to qualify for disability benefits....

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Some Good Advice Regarding Divorce

If you have decided that a divorce from your spouse is the right move, then you will likely be contacting an attorney. We put together this article to offer some helpful tips. Don’t Make Important Decisions Without Thinking Them Through – Impulsivity and emotion can often be the...

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What is Family Law?

Family law encompasses any law that applies to relationships within a family structure. A family structure consists of spouses, offspring, parents, grandparents, step-children or step-parents, siblings, half siblings, or anyone in your immediate family. Most often, the term family law is used in referring to law surrounding the...

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