What Qualities Define a Good Mediator?

What Qualities Define a Good Mediator?

Category: Mediation

More people in the US choose mediation to hold their position in the negotiation. Although mediation is a less expensive and quick way to resolve a dispute, it gives contour to both parties. Sometimes, the judge might not understand the case properly because of little evidence and proof. Therefore, parties settle the dispute using mediators. These mediators evaluate the case for their client and discuss with the other party to end the dispute on common grounds.

Mediation is the art and science of resolving a dispute and requires many skills. Therefore, good mediators receive training and develop communication, negotiation, and problem-solving skills. Moreover, an experienced mediator has been solving cases for a long time and knows how similar cases should be handled.

In this post, we will understand some qualities of a mediator. Knowing these qualities, you can choose the best mediator to help you with your dispute.

What Qualities Define a Good Mediator?

Mediators are qualified third-party individuals for resolving disputes through discussions. They aim to bring both parties on common ground with unbiased judgment and problem-solving skills. They host meetings, facilitate conversations, and identify fair outcomes. Moreover, they convince both parties and encourage them to agree on the same terms without further confusion. If you are looking for a mediator, you should look for the following qualities:

  • Dedication

Every professional mediator should be dedicated and passionate about their profession. They should devote their time to every session and try every possible tactic to understand each party. Moreover, they should behave positively and work diligently to handle every situation. A dedicated mediator can easily resolve any dispute without being biased.

  • Trustworthiness

Building trust and mutual relations is important for a good mediator. People attending mediation sessions should feel confident while sharing their problems. It is only possible when the mediator ensures a completely confidential environment. Mediators are neutral parties, and they have to gain the trust of both parties to make a decision. Therefore, they should be trustworthy and cooperative throughout the mediation process.

  • Communication Skills

When mediators have poor communication skills, they struggle to understand both parties. Moreover, they should also know how to control the communication flow between both parties. It is crucial that everyone involved understands how to communicate effectively and can read one another’s communication styles.

Mediators must constantly rephrase and reiterate what they hear to avoid the negativity that frequently threatens to undermine the mediation process. The fundamental tenet of mediation is that of understanding and being understood. As a result, a competent mediator must communicate clearly and listen intently during a session.

  • Negotiating Skills

Contrary to judges, mediators have little authority to compel parties to settle. Therefore, they must be skilled negotiators to foster a problem-solving mindset and produce the outcomes required for mediation. It frequently entails having a high level of emotional intelligence to grasp better all aspects of the process, including the emotional and financial components.

That implies that exercising good self-control is also necessary. Anger or irritation outbursts can rapidly end a deal. When the mediator can finally identify both the areas of agreement and those of contention, bargaining often starts. Mediators can bring positive outcomes from both parties with proper negotiation skills.


A mediator is in charge of handling dispute resolution. This mediator is an impartial third-party unfamiliar with your case before the mediation. They can address your divorce objectively. The mediator‘s objective is to help the couple reach an agreement on a settlement, in contrast to a judge, whose role is to render a final decision that resolves all the concerns. The mediator will therefore come up with original solutions to the conflicts. They will gradually move the two parties together, compelling them to agree on the final settlement.

The mediator‘s role is to facilitate a smooth process. They aren’t permitted to discuss whether a specific settlement is in your best interests or to provide any legal advice. The mediator won’t recommend what you should try to negotiate for and what you might accept.

You can meet with a professional mediator by contacting Huddleston, Robbins & Riddle. We will appoint a well-trained and experienced mediator to help you resolve your case. Want to learn more? Talk with our experts today.




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