Updated Disabled Persons Statistics for the State of Florida

Category: Disability Law , Social Security
- 07 Mar 2024
- Posted By WebSiteAdmin
The year 2023 is now in the review view mirror. Analyzable statistics are always a few years behind the current calendar date. In this article, we want to take a look at the latest statistics regarding disability in the State of Florida.
Total Number of Individuals with a Disability Decreases
The most recent available data is for the year 2021. This is because data for 2022 and 2023 is still being compiled. With that said, let’s take a look at how 2021 compares with previous years.
The total number of persons with at least one disability fell from 2.84 million in 2020 to 2.82 million in 2021. This is a decrease of 20,000 people. The decrease occurred despite the population of Florida increasing 1.11% from 21,591,299 in 2020 to 21,830,708 in 2021.
About 13.6% of the state’s residents are disabled. This is slightly higher than the national average of 12.6%. When accounting for age of population by using the metric of percentage of people over 65 years of age, Florida has the second oldest population in the Union (21.3%), only behind Maine (21.8%). As people age they are more likely to become disabled. See entire list here
Types of Disability
Ambulatory disability is by far the most common. About 1.5 million people are disabled for ambulatory reasons in the State of Florida. Second is cognitive disability at about 1 million residents suffering from this. Not far behind cognitive disability are people unable to live on their own, coming in at just under 1 million people. Self-care disability and vision-impaired disability round out the list at about 500,000 each.
Disabilities by County
Naturally, the more people that live in an area, the more disability cases there will be. So logically, Dade County will be where the most disabled people live. In Florida, the largest cities in terms of population in order from most to least are Miami, Tampa, Orlando & Jacksonville. The counties in which those states reside contain the most disability cases.
Map of Disabled Persons by County
Map from abletrust.org