When Should I Hire a Mediator?

Mediation is also known as “alternative dispute resolution”. It is an alternative to the classic Court battle that many of us think about when we think about legal conflict resolution. But, did you know that in Florida, mediation is required before you can proceed to Court? The idea...

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Should I Apply for Disability Back-Pay?

Back pay refers to past-due benefits that cover a period in which you had not been approved to collect disability benefits that you were medically qualified to collect. Therefore, to collect the back pay benefits, one must be incapable of working and being physically or mentally disabled.  However,...

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Disability Law – Now Serving Orlando

Florida has a large population. It is estimated that Florida is home to almost 22 million people. Many of those people live in one of the four metropolises: Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa and Orlando. Our office is just outside of the Orlando area and we handle cases from in...

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More About Legal Guardianship

Guardianship transfers the legal decision-making ability of an individual who is incapable of making sound decision to another individual (the guardian). The spirit of guardianship law is to protect the vulnerable. Guardians may be appointed for adults and minors. Guardianship as we know it originated in English common...

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Who Gets the House?

When it comes to divorce, the question posed in the title of the article is probably one of the most common. Who gets the house? And it is the top question for a good reason. A house is a valuable asset financially and it provides your actual living...

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Who Can be a Guardian in the State of Florida?

Guardianship is a legal process used to protect persons who are unable to care for their own well-being due to infancy, disability or incapacity. The need for guardianship is clear in the following circumstances: When a parent or parents(s) are unable to care for a child or children....

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