The Case of Brittany Spears and Her Conservator

Category: Law General
- 16 Nov 2020
- Posted By admin

Everyone over the age of 20 knows who Brittany Spears is. She is a former teenage pop star who jumped onto the scene in the late 1990’s. Her career saw a meteoric rise to fame where she stayed for a decade. There were some very well-documented events concerning her mental health about 12 years ago or so. This all led to her father Jamie becoming her conservator. He handles her financial affairs and is responsible for mental and physical health checks as well.
Lately, Brittany has been trying to disolve her father’s role as conservator and now wants him out of her life altogether. But Judge Brenda Penny ordered Brittany’s father Jamie to remain in the position. Now, in an effort of break free from her father, Spears is refusing to work. She currently has a very popular show in Las Vegas. Can this approach by Spears result in her getting her way?
Elaine Renoire, president of the National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse told The New York Times “As long as she is bringing in so much money and as long as the lawyers and conservators are getting paid, there is little incentive to end it,” she said. “Usually, the conservatorship just keeps going unless the conservatee makes a fuss or the family does.”
The relationship between Spears and her father has been topsy-turvy. One minute she is posting on Twitter about how great he is and the next she says that she wants him out of her life and that she is afraid of him. These situations do arise with conservatorships. She needs to have her attorney seek to get her released from her current conservatorship arrangement. But the fact that she refuses to work will definitely be brought up in the case.
The best way to go about handling these situations or those of guardianship is to hire a professional that knows their field inside and out. Although Huddleston, Robbins & Riddle, P. A. does not specialize in conservatory law, we do handle guardianship law. If you are in the Brevard County area of Florida and need help with this, please feel free to give us a call at 321-914-4710