Finalizing a Divorce Mediation

Finalizing a Divorce Mediation

Category: Divorce , Mediation

After both parties have come to an agreement and settled upon terms it can be finalized. It is recommended that the agreement be reviewed by both party’s attorneys before this step. This ensures that the agreement is sound and that both parties understand it fully.

Your mediator is a neutral party and is simply there to act as a go-between in the process. For legal advice you will want to turn to your own personal attorney. In the case of remote mediation, like those done on Zoom, the documents can be signed via e-signature.

Court Appearance and Final Divorce Decree

After all attorneys have reviewed the agreement and everything looks good, it will be submitted for court approval. In the State of Florida it is handled differently depending on whether the divorce is contested or uncontested. If the divorce is uncontested and both parties agree, then the agreement is checked by the court to make sure it meets all legal requirements. It is then signed off and the divorce is finalized.

If the divorce is contested, then any issues which need to be decided by the judge will be done so. Attorneys from both sides will state their case and the judge will make a decision based on the merit of each argument.  Once the judge decides and everything is in order, the divorce will be finalized.

Parenting & Visitation

In Florida, creating a parenting plan that protects the best interests of the child or children involved receives particular attention during the divorce mediation process. Arrangements for co-parenting and visitation are made with the understanding that both parents must be actively involved in their child’s life. With regard to visitation rights and obligations, the mediator assists the couple in creating a fair and transparent parenting schedule.


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