The Basics of Social Security Disability Benefits

SSDI Benefits

Category: Disability Law , Social Security

SSDI BenefitsSometimes it helps getting back to the basics. In this blog we want to describe what social security disability benefits are and where they come from. We will be covering disability only and not SSI benefits which are available to low-income or people with little or no work history who do not qualify for SSDI.

How Many People Receive Social Security Disability Benefits?

It is estimated that roughly 10 million people receive SSDI benefits. In about a quarter of those cases the benefits are received by the spouses or children of the disabled.

How is the SSDI Program Funded?

SSDI is funded by Social Security payroll tax contributions. People pay into the system as they work throughout their lifetime. In 2016 the total amount of money used for SSDI was $143B. That equates to 4% of the federal budget.

Who is Your Typical Recipient of SSDI Benefits?

On average, the person receiving SSDI benefits is someone who worked for about 22 years and was considered “middle class” financially. Statistically the SSDI recipient is middle-aged. About 75% of recipients are above age 50 or older.

How Does a Person Qualify for SSDI Benefits?

Applying for Disability is something that people don’t do lightly. They are usually having a hard or impossible time making a living wage and are applying as a last resort. But it must be stressed that when applying for SSDI benefits, the applicant do everything the right the first time to increase their chances of getting approved. Contrary to popular belief, getting approved for these benefits is not easy and as few as 2 in 5 applicants may be approved. It is important to have all your ducks in a row when applying.

Factors that qualify a person for SSDI Benefits

  1. Worked at least 1/4 of adult life.
  2. Have a severe and documented impairment.
  3. Unable to perform substantial work.

How Much Does the Benefit Recipient receive Monthly?

Although the amount varies, the average benefit recipient received just under $1200 per month in 2017. The amount differs depending on need and work history. The highest amount that a person can possibly receive is right around 2700 hundred dollars per month.

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